My Blog List

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let's get this started!

So, I'll pretty much be using this blog to post some pictures I take. I like taking photographs, even if I only have a shittastic 5.1 MP camera. Besides that, November marks Nanowrimo. Yeah, I'm participating even though I can't write all that well. So, we'll see how that goes. So far I'm at about 11,000 words or so. Fairly ahead of the game, I guess. So, without further ado I introduce you to Merritt Island. More so, I introduce you to the Banana Spider.


I took these a couple months ago. Jesus christ on a cracker, there were enough mosquitoes to suck a man dry out there. Still, it was a bit fun walking around out there. Even though stormy weather cut my time short. You know, it's quite a shame we haven't gotten any rain over here in over thirty days. My garden is suffering quite a bit due to that and goddamn, I want my lettuce.

Photo_00074.jpg picture by bulletcrossing

Sorta hard to see, but that's my fat cat, Bosco. Her name was originally Midnight. However, that was when she was a sleek, muscular feral cat and not the massive blob that tends to intrude upon my bed at random intervals.  Also, I need to clean my room. Fuck my life.