My Blog List

Friday, November 19, 2010

So, I pretty much have been diving into Nanowrimo and ignoring this blog. Oops. Either way, I'm at 30,000 words. I doubt I'll actually finish it, if only because I want to finish two big ass essays and another project before break starts. I refuse to do shit when I could be sleeping.

Still need to load those pictures of the snakes off of my hard drive.

And tbh this week has been really shitty. I won't go into detail, that'd be boring, but I honest to god don't have much energy to do much.

Then, I have an idea for another story so the one I've been working on for Nano has been pretty much fucked up the ass. Oh well.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

When Worlds Collided

So, with Veterans Day off I decided to head over to the Reptile Discovery Center. It's located in Deland which was nearly an hour's worth of driving for me. Still, I must say it was totally worth it. That is, if you're a snake lover. It's pretty cool seeing a venomous, exotic animal like the Green Mamba up close. Besides that, I got to hold an alligator. It was pretty cute, actually. It was pretty surprising how gentle it was. Needless to say, I'll be posting pictures of the snakes soon.

Other than that, I started playing Ar Tonelico. I sat my white ass down for a total of thirteen hours and am now in Phase 2.It took...forever for me to navigate through the red tunnels and shit to get to Firefly Alley. Yes, I just spent over an hour getting lost in them and I can't remember its name for shit.

Also, what the fuck is up with Windows 7? Groove Hot Key? Why not just call it something even more retarded? It's not very groovy.

Apparently I'm in a decently bad mood. I got my hair cut today though, so I no longer look like a poodle.

Not much else to report.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let's get this started!

So, I'll pretty much be using this blog to post some pictures I take. I like taking photographs, even if I only have a shittastic 5.1 MP camera. Besides that, November marks Nanowrimo. Yeah, I'm participating even though I can't write all that well. So, we'll see how that goes. So far I'm at about 11,000 words or so. Fairly ahead of the game, I guess. So, without further ado I introduce you to Merritt Island. More so, I introduce you to the Banana Spider.


I took these a couple months ago. Jesus christ on a cracker, there were enough mosquitoes to suck a man dry out there. Still, it was a bit fun walking around out there. Even though stormy weather cut my time short. You know, it's quite a shame we haven't gotten any rain over here in over thirty days. My garden is suffering quite a bit due to that and goddamn, I want my lettuce.

Photo_00074.jpg picture by bulletcrossing

Sorta hard to see, but that's my fat cat, Bosco. Her name was originally Midnight. However, that was when she was a sleek, muscular feral cat and not the massive blob that tends to intrude upon my bed at random intervals.  Also, I need to clean my room. Fuck my life.